National Pharmaceutical Formulary 2012

The National Pharmaceutical Formulary 2012 (or the MOH Drug Formulary aka “The Bluebook”) is freely available as a PDF download from the MOH pharmaceuticals services division.

On the right hand column of the file you’ll see a Category listing which defines the Category Of Prescribers:

A* – Consultant/Specialists for specific Indications only
A – Consultant/Specialists
A/KK – Consultant/Specialists/Family Physician Specialists
B – Medical Officers
C – Paramedical staff
C+ – Paramedical Staff doing midwifery

I’ve always wondered why it has been referred to as the “Blue Book” – was it ever that colour? 🙂

Other drug lists from the MOH:

1Malaysia Clinic Drug List
1Malaysia Mobile Clinic Drug List

Hat tip to Happier Healthcare for the link


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast

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