Updated: Public Hospital Listing

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We have updated the Public Hospital Listing in the MMR and the information is now database driven and has more contact information.
Not only do we have phone, fax numbers and email addresses where available, we have handy links to hospital websites and where we were able to ascertain, social media links.

On this note I have to say many MOH hospital websites are not accessible, not working properly, poorly maintained or poorly designed (very web 1.0, too cluttered designed for instance). I think too there should be more use of the social media particularly Facebook to engage Malaysian netizens. You’ll see Social Media icons where available, and here we have to say Kudos to Hospital Sibu for having three!

Do note that our pages including the Public Hospital listing, are all mobile friendly so the page will display well on your mobile device. In fact if you tap on the phone numbers, your device will be prompted to dial the number.
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As an added bonus, you can save the contact details to import into your own address book. To do so, right click on each individual hospital link, open in a new tab or window e.g. Hospital Sibu and you’ll see an “Add to Address Book” link which will prompt you to save the contact information in Vcard (VCF) format.

We’ll be updating more of our links as similar database driven contacts. Watch out for more announcements.


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast