
Medical Societies of Malaysia

Public Associations and Societies


Malaysian Thalassemia Associations

Thalassemia Society of University Hospital This is the ThaSUH site
Sabah Thalassaemia Society Website hasn’t been updated since 1998
Penang Thalassaemia Society Aims to provide moral support, raise funds to improve treatment and facilities for the betterment of Thalassaemics

Cancer and leukemia

Hospis Malaysia Malaysian Hospice organisation. Hospis Malaysia is a charitable organization established in August 1991 aimed at addressing the immense need to develop and provide professional Palliative Care services.
Hospice Klang set up in 1995 to provide palliative care to the community in Klang and the surrounding district
National Cancer Society The National Cancer Society of Malaysia, is dedicated to preventing cancer, saving lives from cancer and improving the quality of life of those living with cancer through patient care and education
Cancer Society of Sabah
Kasih Hospice Care Society A charitable organization which seeks to bring a fresh and mindful approach to care-giving for patients facing life-endangering illnesses


MAPTB Malaysian Association for the Prevention of TB
Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society dedicated to gathering information on the advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat ageing related disease
Malaysian Menopause Society promote the education on menopause and climacteric and all its related disorders
Malaysian Metabolic Society advocacy and effective coordination of all viable efforts to sustain a better quality of life for the individuals with inborn errors of metabolic (IEM) diseases in Malaysia.
MedicAlert Malaysia Link to the MedicAlert Foundation Malaysia Application Form *this is an OLD form and the Hotline is no longer in use* We are trying to locate an updated contact, but unfortunately the website is not working at the moment
Nutriweb by the Nutrition society of Malaysia has useful information on nutrition
Persatuan Diabetis Malaysia Malaysian Diabetes Association has lots of useful information for diabetic patients
Persatuan SLE Malaysia Website of the Malaysian SLE Association
Persatuan Mencegah Dadah Malaysia Association for the Prevention of Dadah/Drug Abuse
Malaysian Red Crescent Society The Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) is a member of the world’s largest and clearly most influential independent humanitarian organization, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Malaysian Mental Health Association Formed in 1967 by a group of mental health professionals and community leaders from University Hospital to promote mental health in the community
Malaysian AIDS Council Website of the MAC
MERCY Malaysia Malaysian Medical Relief Society
Nasam National Stroke Association of Malaysia. NASAM’s mission is to inform the public that there is Life After Stroke through proper rehabilitation and to promote the concept of stroke prevention
Persatuan Sindrom Down Malaysian Down Syndrome Society
Yayasan Jantung Malaysia The Heart Foundation of Malaysia. A non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to the education of the public on heart and circulatory diseases
National Diabetes Institute NADI is a non-profit organisation which provides a dedicated and comprehensive service for diabetics to help you control your diabetes and prevent complications.
National Autism Society of Malaysia NASOM is a non-profit, non-governmental, welfare organization, established in 1986 by a group of parents, professionals and concerned citizens to provide life long services to all persons with autism
Malaysian Rare Disorders Society MRDS is a voluntary organisation set-up to represent and look out for the welfare of individuals including their families that are affected by rare disorders
SAHAMM Society for Advancement of Hormone & Healthy Aging Medicine Malaysia
Malaysian Lysosomal Diseases Association A non-profit organization to advocate for patients’ right and educate general people about lysosomal storage diseases
Malaysian Rare Disorders Society MRDS is a voluntary organization set-up to represent and look out for the welfare of individuals including their families that are affected by rare disorders.