Working round the clock
It’s a no-brainer that if you become a doctor, expect to make sacrifices. That includes working during public holidays and performing essential duties like manning Emergency Departments which are open 24/7. This goes for our brothers and sisters who are nurses, MAs, pharmacists, radiographers etc. The whole team puts in lots of sacrifices.
Muslim medical staff can’t all take off for Hari Raya so some put in their sacrifice and work during the holidays. Same goes for other religions and festivities in this multi-cultural country of ours.
Emergency Departments never close. They are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I was rather bemused to read the Star’s report which quotes the DDG as saying “Health Ministry has directed emergency units at all government hospitals to remain open round-the-clock during the Aidilfitri celebrations”. I would have thought such a directive is totally unnecessary. Must have been a slow news day 😉
Here’s a nice video from MOH reminding us the sacrifices of some of our colleagues who have to work during this festivity. Blessed Eid Mubarrak, maaf zahir dan batin (via Dr HM Goh)