New Medical Organisation: MPCAM

The MPCAM or the Medical Practitioners Coalition of Malaysia is a new medical organisation with a brand new website.
The objectives of the Society are:-

A. To promote and uphold the interests of the profession of Doctors in all its aspects
B. To build Medical Practitioners Coalition Association Of Malaysia (MPCAM) to become the strong voice of the medical profession
C. To find a common ground to provide the best healthcare in the world
D. To bridge the gap between the public and the private services
E. To enable doctors grouses heard in the bigger settings
F. To facilitate communication and good will amongst doctors practicing in Malaysia
G. To organize, co-ordinate, arrange and hold conference, seminars, workshops and meetings for exchange of information and findings, the reading of papers, delivery of lectures,etc; to acquire, prepare, edit.

I have added the MPCAM website to the MMR’s Professional Societies and Association page of links


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast