A new beginning
We start afresh with the Malaysian housed in a new site http://new.medicine.com.my and requests for http://medicine.com.my will be redirected to the new site. We have imported most of the old pages except a few defunct ones and rearranged things a bit in a new design. Rather than importing all posts, we imported only the last year’s worth of posts and retain the old ones in http://medicine.com.my/wp.
We have also decided to consolidate the MMR forums, previously housed in http://malaysianmedicine.com to the this site, and you can find the new MMR forums here. At the moment, three forums are available: General discussion, Medical Q&A and Feedback (these are also visible if you hover your mouse over the Forums item in the top Menu). For the moment the malaysianmedicine.com domain will be redirected to the new MMR until we have more use for this.
Having forums means the MMR is open to user registration again and only registered users can participate in the Forums. Registration is also required in order to comment on blog posts. At the moment only regular registration and login is available, but I intend to make it easier by including Login with Facebook in the future.
Note that the doctors-only forum, Dobbs, is a separate site http://forum.mydobbs.net and Malaysian doctors can register there (for free). The link can be found under the Professional section in the top menu.
Users are also free to post any Health Tips and News to share in the Health Tips and News Updates section . This is quite easy to use – just post a description of the item and use the buttons below the text box to include any link, image or video. Please use this responsibly. Spammers will be insta-banned.
Well I hope you like the new site. It’s using a cleaner simpler design and all the shiney new WordPress goodies. Feedback as comments here or in our Feedback forum.