Updated: Private hospital listing
We are pleased to inform you that we have revamped our Private hospital listing.
The listing is now database driven and updated with new entries, complete with contact information like address, phone, email, website, social media presence and even a handy link to Google maps.
Our priority in the MMR is to Link to Malaysian medical sites of note, so if the private hospital does not have a website or social media presence (e.g. official Facebook page) then it won’t be on the list.
We think that in this day and age, any major organisation, especially a hospital, ought to have at least a website for Malaysian netizens to visit for more information and to communicate and interact with (e.g. make online appointments).
The page, like the whole of the MMR, is mobile friendly so it will fit in your smartphone or tablet.
If you tap on the contact number when viewing details of each hospital on your smartphone, you can even dial the number
If you right click on each item in the list and open it in a new tab or window, there is an option to save the contact in VCF format so that you can import it in your address book.
If there is a hospital not in the list, please inform us and we shall be happy to link it. Please bear in mind that it needs to have a website or at least an official Facebook or other social media page.
For other minor hospitals and any other medical centre not listed in our site, we recommend you visit MedicalAtoZ and search there.