Featured site: The House Officers Workshop


The House Officers Workshop was started by Dr. Christopher Sheng and Dr. Ng Kean Seng in 2009 as an admirable effort to improve the clinical knowledge of CSMU students. The initiative which started as a workshop in Klang Hospital in 2009 was to brief fresh medical graduates on what to expect during their housemanship in Malaysia. Since then the HOWS has conducted multiple seminars and workshops covering the main departments which House Officers are exposed to – Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Surgery, Pediatrics, Accidents & Emergencies, and Orthopaedics.

I am particularly impressed with the effort which has resulted in Downloadable reading material from the website such as:
House Officer Guides.

Much of these should have been covered as medical undergraduates but refresher courses to ensure the basics are understood are most welcome. We say kudos to the founders and the course conductors. Carry on the good work!

We have added the House Officers Workshop to our Doctors Sites listing.

On a related note, given the trouble over in Ukraine and Crimea in particular, we hope and pray for the safety of Malaysian medical students over there. Any first hand reports of what’s happening?


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast