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Associate Prof Punna Wong Yin Onn has released v3 of his Dear Yin Ling book
Dear Colleagues and students,
I humbly launch the completely rewritten 3rd edition of this Q&A book on Internal Medicine. It took me 6 months to edit and I promised myself that it should be limited to 500 pages as no one will read a thicker book. Nevertheless I still ended up with 550 pages!
I wanted 120 pledges from my students that they will study it cover to cover during their semester break before I would launch the book but that was apparently a demand too high to climb. Yin Ling requested me yesterday to launch the book as she could wait no longer, a request I could not deny.
In the last 3 years, all the discussions that Yin Ling and I had, all the bedside talks with my students that I conducted were faithfully documented in this book.
I sincerely hope that it will serve you all well.
I dedicate this book firstly to Prof Khalid Kadir who invited me to join Monash University in 2007 and gave me a career that I am thoroughly enjoying. And to my colleagues especially Dr Ho Loon Shin who has been such an inspiration with his dedication to helping humanity. And to the members of Aequanimitas who showed me that there are truly people dedicated to medical education and learning. And to my teachers who taught me all that I know and to my students who have given me much happiness and also occasionally pain.
Its a BIG file at 200MB.
metta,Yin Onn
You can also download a compressed version (28Mb) suitable for mobile devices