MMA CPD App and CPD Points – Q&A
As a follow up to our earlier post about Compulsory CPD and the MMA App, here are some answers to frequently encountered questions
1) Are CPD and CME the same thing?
Yes, for all intents and purposes the terms are interchangeable
2) Are CPD points for doctors compulsory by law?
Yes, since the Medical regulations 2017 were enacted on 1 July 2017, CPD points are now compulsory and you will need 20 CPD points in order to renew your APC. This is however enforced only when you renew your APC in 2019 (for the 2020 APC)
3) Which year should I start collecting CPD points?
You will need to start collecting CPD points seriously from 2018 onwards. The calendar year (unless any there are any changes) is from 1 July 2018 until 30 June 2019 (and repeats for subsequent years). You will need 20 CPD points each calendar year to apply for your APC.
*This means it comes to force only when you apply in 2019 for the 2020 APC. You need the 20 points accumulated in the previous calendar year*
*You do not need the points when applying in 2018 for the 2019 APC*
4) Can I carry forward extra CPD points?
No. CPD points may not be carried forward. They will reset to zero every year come 1 July.
5) How do I get CPD points?
The MMC has assigned the task to MMA to organise CPD for doctors in the private sector (GPs and Specialists) and also register CPD providers.
** In order to get CPD points, all doctors MUST use the MMA CPD app. If you don’t download and register via the app, MMA won’t be able to assign you CPD points since you will not be in the database of CPD users. **
** KKM/MOH doctors are still required to use the MyCPD portal but are most welcome to also use the MMA CPD app as with it you can register attendance for events and see in an app the points accumulated, as well as view upcoming events. **
6) Do I have to pay to use the MMA CPD App?
No. You can register and use the MMA CPD App for free. There is no registration or subscription fee.
7) Do I have to be an MMA Member in order to use the MMA CPD App?
No. The MMA CPD App can be used by MMA members and non-MMA members. However you HAVE to use the App if you want to get CPD points.
8) How to I get the app and use it?
You can get the download links for the app (available for iOS and Android) and the user guides from the MMA Website (link provided here since you may difficulty locating it in a busy web page)
For your convenience, a quick way to download the MMA CPD App is to click on this link in your mobile:
You can download the User Guides for the App in PDF format:
a) iOS/Apple iPhone
b) Android
Please take the trouble to read the user guide but important points to note:
i) MMA Members (current or lapsed) just need to LOGIN to the app. Do NOT sign up. Login with the Email address which you have registered with the MMA. If you have forgotten your password, please use the Forgot password link in the app to reset it. After you reset it, login via the App, not the website.
ii) Non-MMA Members must choose the Sign-up button. In the signup process you will first be required to authenticate your email. After that, you have to fill in your details including the MMC registration number so get that ready. You may get a “approval required” but you can login to the app straight away after that.
If you have login or sign up problems, please email [email protected] for help.
9) How come I see ZERO points?
If this is the first time you have used the app, it is likely that you will start with ZERO since the system does not capture points retrospectively. You will only start getting points for events you attend which have been registered and approved by the new MMA CPD system.
Moving forward, once you do attend these events, you will see your total points in the app. MMA Members can also see Events they have attended in the app (non-Members can only see the total)
10) How are points captured?
The most efficient way is to present the QR Code in your Profile section of the app, and have it Scanned by the Event Organiser. This will automatically record your attendance and assign your points (you may have to refresh the app but an automatic refresh feature is in the works)
The scanner app and login credentials are available to CPD Providers who have re-registered via the new MMA CPD system.
The Event organiser can also mark manual attendance and upload this later so you can still get the points PROVIDED you have already registered with MMA as a CPD user by using the app.
11) How about overseas meetings and other CME activities?
These will be available as an “ad-hoc” upload in an upcoming version of the MMA CPD App
12) Where does one register as a CPD Provider?
Please note that ALL CPD Providers have to re-register. The old CPD Provider number system no longer applies and will not be used anymore.
Register as a CPD Provider here:
Once your registration is approved you will be able to submit events for approval by the CPD Committee. Please note that you should give at least 2 weeks notice.
Download link for the CPD Provider guides:
CPD Provider Guide
CPD Attendance Guide
Link to the MMA Scanner app :
(iOS version coming)
13) What points am I eligible for?
CPD points are determined by the MMC CPD Grading system . The MMA CPD Committee follows this schedule set by the MMC when assigning points for events.
14) What about Specialists?
The MMC has stipulated that specialists need to accumulate at least 50 points of the 100 CPD points collected over a 5 year period as points relevant to the specialty.
The MMA CPD system is employing specialty Tags so that users will be able to determine if they have this requirement.
It is important to note that the new MMP CPD App and system is currently in BETA and in testing phase for 2017. Please do however get on board ASAP since you don’t want to leave things till the last minute. Your APC is at stake!
Doctors can ask more questions and discuss in DOBBS, Malaysia’s pioneer, largest and most active discussion platform for Malaysian doctors, available in Facebook group, Telegram Supergroup and Web Forums.
To see more, visit