Updated CPD FAQ from the MMC
The MMC Website has updated it’s FAQ on CPD. It is pertinent that all practicing doctors be aware since compulsory CPD is upon us and is required when you apply for your APC. The points will matter starting from 1 July 2018 which is less than a week away. The cumulative points will be required when you apply in 2019 for the 2020 APC.
Please spread the word to all doctors as apparently some are still living under a coconut shell and do not access the Internet!
We reproduce the latest FAQ on CPD from the MMC for your convenience in one page without having to click or tap multiple times:
What is Continuing Professional Development (CPD)?
It is the range of learning activities through which medical practitioners maintain, develop, update and enhance the knowledge, skills and performance required for safe and appropriate practice.
Why do I need CPD?
It is your professional and moral obligation to be up to date and appropriate for professional practice Importantly, the Medical (Amendment) Act 2012 and Medical regulations 2017 requires you to show evidence of sufficient CPD points to renew your annual practicing certificate (APC)
How many CPD points will I need for the renewal of my APC?
You are required to obtain a minimum of 20 CPD points per CPD year.
What is a CPD point?
It is the unit of measurement related to learning activities.
When do I start collecting my CPD points for the CPD year?
The CPD diary runs on a yearly cycle. The collection of CPD points for the application of APC for a CPD year shall be from 1st July to 30th June, e.g. CPD points for the application of APC for 2020 shall be from 1st July 2018 to 30th June 2019
What if I register mid-way through a CPD cycle? How many CPD points do I need?
If you are registered mid-way through a CPD cycle, your CPD points shall be calculated on a pro-rata basis.
What is the MMC-CPD Grading System?
It is a system that is used for collection of evidence of your professional development. This system was developed by the Council in consultation the MOH, AMM and MMA. There are nine categories of educational activities (A1 to A9) and CPD points shall be allocated using this system.
What type of CPD activities can I undertake?
The approach to CPD is very flexible, you may undertake a variety of CPD activities to meet your learning needs as listed out in the MMC-CPD Grading System (A1 to A9)
Who will record my CPD points ?
It is your responsibility to record and maintain your CPD points.
Where do I record my CPD points?
You shall use any of the following systems that are approved by the Council to record your CPD points
a) The MyCPD system of the Ministry Of Health
b) The Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) system (for all RMPs)
c) The Academy of Medicine of Malaysia (AMM) system (for medical specialists only)
Do I have a choice on the CPD system to record my CPD credits?
Yes. However, once you have selected a particular system, you are encouraged to stay with the system to avoid duplication of credit points claimed. If you choose to use more than one system, please ensure there is no duplication in the entry of the points
Who are the CPD Providers?
The term ‘CPD Provider’ is used to describe an organization that provides education and Training for health professionals. The term encompasses Medical Societies/ Professional Bodies/ Institutions that organize and provide educational activities to assist medical practitioners to meet their CPD requirements
Will I be required to provide evidence of all my CPD activities for renewal of APC?
No. You only submit the collated CPD points (minimum of 20 points) to the MMC Secretariat for your APC application. However, where relevant you are required to retain the certificates of attendance for educational activities for at least 2 years and produce them if requested.
I work in a non-clinical role. Am I required to participate in CPD?
Yes. If you hold an APC, you’ll need to participate in appropriate CPD activities and meet the required CPD points for renewal of your APC.
I’m in a training post. Do I need to participate in CPD?
Yes. All registered medical practitioners are required to participate in CPD. You may participate in CPD that is relevant for your training
I’m involved in research/teaching with no clinical work. What are my requirements for CPD?
If you hold an APC, your requirement for CPD shall be similar to other registered medical practitioners. The range of activities from A1 to A9 provides sufficient scope for you to fulfil the CPD requirement
Is it compulsory for me to attend CPD relevant to my Specialty?
You are encouraged to attend any educational activity that will advance you in your professional development and your practice. CPD is not specialty specific.
I have retired from all clinical practice and do not intend to remain on the medical register. Do I still need to obtain CPD credits?
No. If you are not in practice and not renewing your APC, you will not require CPD.
I am retired from Government service. I occasionally do locum practice. Do I need CPD?
Yes. You would require CPD, if you are a registered medical practitioner and continue to practice medicine
I will be going on a prolonged maternity leave. Will I be required to meet my target for CPD?
Medical practitioners, with valid reasons may seek exemption from CPD
Can I claim for CPD points for overseas scientific events?
Yes. You may submit the scientific events to your CPD system for consideration.
Currently I am with the Ministry of Health and use the MyCPD system to record my CPD points. I will be joining the private practice soon. What happens to my CPD points?
If you are a specialist medical practitioner your CPD points will continue to be with the AMM CPD or MMA CPD system. If you are non-specialist medical practitioner, you may request for your CPD points to be transferred to the MMA CPD system.
Useful links:
MMC CPD Guidelines and Grading System
Related Blog posts:
CPD Points – what you need to know before 1 July 2018 (updated)
Register as a CPD Provider
Register as a CPD Provider II – some FAQs