Doctors, did you fail to get 20 CPD points? No APC for you?
In case you have been living under a rock, it is compulsory by LAW that you have to have 20 CPD points in the preceding CPD cycle year 1 July – 30 JUne (e.g. in 2019 when you apply for the 2020 APC, you need to have accumulated 20 points from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019
According to the MMC CPD Guidelines, there is some hope as there is an avenue for appeal on a case by case basis. From the Guidelines, it states:
11.0 Exemption from CPD activities
11.1 Medical practitioners may apply to the MMC-CPD committee for exemption from the CPD
activities with valid reason(s) which includes:
a. career’s leave;
b. personal hardship;
c. long service leave/sabbatical;
d. parental leave;
e. sick leave;
f. other significant absence from practice;
g. any other valid reason.
11.2 All applications shall be supported by appropriate documentation;
11.3 The MMC-CPD Committee shall review the application on a case-by-case basis and make
appropriate recommendations to the Council.
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