Foreign/International Medical Graduates – how to register to practice in Malaysia (2023)

A international medical graduate wrote in:

Hi , I am an International Medical Graduate, I need to write the examination for provisional registration to practice in Malaysia. Can you help to guide me?

Please read the FAQ from the Malaysian Medical Council (MMC). All the information you need is there.

Here are some info and links to help you get started:

Basically one has to be registered with the MMC in order to practice medicine in Malaysia.

If you have graduated from a recognised Medical school, as listed here:
you can apply to register via Medical Register Information and Technical System (MeRITS)
Do note that all foreign graduates are required to submit a verified medical degree and transcript via
Primary Source Verification through Dataflow or Educational Commission for Foreign Medical
Graduates (ECFMG).
Follow the instructions there.

If you are NOT from one of the recognised medical schools (as listed here), then you have to sit for the the Examination for Provisional Registration (EPR)
The EPR is held twice in a year (circa March and September for that calendar year) and
closing dates for such application will be ONE (1) month prior to the exam date.
Announcement for the dates will be available in the MMC website.

Here are some blog links about the EPR for your further reading pleasure:

Intro to Examination for Provisional Registration (EPR) registration

EPR : The Examination for Graduates With Medical Degrees That Are Not Recognised

All about EPR :-the Theoretical Exam and the Clinical Exam