Petition to MMC on Specialist CME Accreditation
Dear Specialists
Please read and consider signing this petition to the MMC
What is at stake is your annual APC!
Due to the Amendments to the Medical Act,
All Doctors in Malaysia to continue practicing must have valid Indemnity Insurance as well as comply to adequate CME via CME points collection.
In addition, Specialist Doctors have to renew their National Specialist Register enrolment every 5 years by applying to the Academy of Medicine, the body entrusted to set specialist standards.
The Malaysian Medical Association has a well tested CME Point collection system that is in place for all doctors that enable them to renew their Annual Practising Certificate with the Malaysian Medical Council.
The Malaysian Medical Council has the Legal Mandate to decide on the eligibility of Doctors` Practising Rights in Malaysia.
We therefore request that:
1) The determination of such rights MUST ONLY come from MMC and not any other organisations for Specialists Doctors.
2) There MUST BE A VERIFIABLE SYSTEM for Specialist Doctors to renew their APC and NSR without duplication.
Specialist Doctors must have a choice of myCPD, MMA CPD App , AMM Web based system OR any other methods approved by MMC for CME points collection & submission
3) The collection of CME points and the validity as well as recognition of CME points must only come from MMC and WHAT is recognised by MMC should also be recognised by all other organisations to ensure UNIFORMITY and FAIRNESS.
ALL cateogories of CME Activity from A1 to A9 recognised by MMC Must be Recognised by All other Parties.
For All Specialists and Specialists in Training,
Please sign if you support this petition.”