Hospital Tampin, Negeri Sembilan » Public Hospitals

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This page lists the major Public (Government hospitals and Teaching hospitals), particularly those with websites that you can visit for more detailed information. Note that the list is split into multiple pages.
Click on each item to view more details like address, phone contact, email, website, social media links, bed numbers and background information.
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Hospital Tampin, Negeri Sembilan

Work Jalan Haji Ahmad Zainuddin Tampin Negeri Sembilan 7300 Malaysia Work Phone: +606-4411511 Work Fax: +606-4419610 Website:

Bed no. 85

Connections Business Directory | Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

Jalan Haji Ahmad Zainuddin Tampin Negeri Sembilan 7300 Malaysia

External listing: MOH list of Public hospitals