MAHSA University Faculty of Nursing » Nursing schools


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MAHSA University Faculty of Nursing

Work MAHSA University – Jalan Universiti Campus (JUC) Jalan Elmu off Jalan Universiti Kuala Lumpur WP 59100 Malaysia Work Phone: +603 7965 2555 Work Phone: +603 7931 7118 Website:

MAHSA is a private university of nursing in Malaysia which has been established to raise the quality of nursing education and training. Our goal is to become a world class nursing university of international repute with a multidisciplinary setting.

MAHSA aims to produce outstanding, holistically educated professional nurse practitioners who will function either in the community or hospital.
Our corporate value is to provide a high standard of knowledge, skill, and professional commitment to all our students to excel in our mission. Apart from this strategic and conducive environment, the graduates will be guided by a team of highly qualified and specialized lecturers in the field of nursing and healthcare.

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MAHSA University – Jalan Universiti Campus (JUC) Jalan Elmu off Jalan Universiti Kuala Lumpur WP 59100 Malaysia