IIUM Kulliyyah of Pharmacy » Pharmacy Schools
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IIUM Kulliyyah of Pharmacy
The Kulliyyah of Pharmacy IIUM conducts the pharmacy program with the Islamic perspective in line with the philosophy of IIUM and produces pharmacists with Islamic values in the conduct of their professional duties.
The Pharmacy program is structured in an integrated system so as to produce pharmacists who are not only able to work in the various pharmacy services but are also highly skilled to meet the modern challenges of hospital and community pharmacies as well as pharmaceutical industries.
Kulliyyah of Pharmacy International Islamic University Malaysia Kuantan Pahang 25200 Malaysia
Recognised Schools of Pharmacy
You can view a list of Recognised Schools of Pharmacy by the Pharmacy Board.
We do not vouch for the accuracy or up-to-date-ness of this list so you are advised to contact the Pharmacy Board if you have any queries.