Universiti Teknologi MARA Faculty of Pharmacy » Pharmacy Schools
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Universiti Teknologi MARA Faculty of Pharmacy
The Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM has a rich tradition of excellence, having been established on 1st August 2001. Currently, it is offering Diploma in Pharmacy and Bachelor in Pharmacy (Honours). In addition, it also offers postgraduate program by research like Master of Science and PhD. Soon, Faculty of Pharmacy, UiTM will offer a postgraduate program by coursework too. They are Master in Pharmacy (Clinical), Master in Pharmacy (Clinical Practice) and Master in Pharmacy (Medicinal Chemistry) to cater the demand.
Faculty of Pharmacy UiTM Puncak Alam Campus Bandar Puncak Alam Selangor 42300 Malaysia
Recognised Schools of Pharmacy
You can view a list of Recognised Schools of Pharmacy by the Pharmacy Board.
We do not vouch for the accuracy or up-to-date-ness of this list so you are advised to contact the Pharmacy Board if you have any queries.