Updated: Doctors’ Blogroll
We’ve updated our Malaysian Doctors’ Blogroll with the inclusion of the Wonky Wizard, a blog maintained by a senior GP featuring his views on the meaning of life, fine dining and his poetry works. Do you have a blog not …
We’ve updated our Malaysian Doctors’ Blogroll with the inclusion of the Wonky Wizard, a blog maintained by a senior GP featuring his views on the meaning of life, fine dining and his poetry works. Do you have a blog not …
The MMR page listing Malaysian Pharmacy Schools has been revamped and now has similar database driven contact information like our Medical school list. There are 15 in the list which we think is the most complete list available online to …
Astute readers of the site would have noticed we’ve changed the top navigation menu. Recognising the increasing influence and importance of the social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, we’ve decided to consolidate the comments and engagement model of this site. …