About the MMR
The Malaysian Medical Resources was conceived back in 1996 as a webpage which serves as a repository for links to Malaysian Medical and Health websites. Initially we did not have a proper domain name and used various free domain name forwarding systems and we had free hosting in www3.jaring.my. What started off as a hand-coded simple one page website evolved to a Blogger powered website with not only links to websites but also a daily blog commentary by Malaysian doctors. We got a proper domain name – medicine.com.my – and when the number of links and posts got too many, we shifted to WordPress which is a better system to cater for our needs.
The static MMR pages are listed at the top in the form of a drop down menu. The pages and sub-pages will take you to links to the various Malaysian Medical websites we’ve located over the years. You can navigate by clicking on the links.
Our daily blog commentaries are categorised as Posts and are sorted by Author as well as Categories (available in the side bar)
While previously we focused on blogs, over the years, traditional blogs have become less popular than microblogging sites like Twitter and social Media like Facebook. Our updates focus on bringing you daily Medical News from our Twitter account MyMedicalRsrc (Tweets are embedded in the front page) and we also link to our Facebook page.
Editor :
Dr. Alan Teh MBBS MRCP(UK) FRCP(Edin)
Searching for information
In order to help you sift through for information, you may use the Custom Search form located at the top. Searching the MMR will allow you to look for items in both the MMR Pages as well as Blog Posts.
For furher explanation, please read our Usage and Disclaimer page
Last modified: June 18, 2023