Dobbs Newsletter

Dobbs is the exclusive (and free!) forum for Malaysian doctors which we have maintained for 12 years now.

This is the latest update/newsletter:

Dear Dobber,

Time for another update on whats happening in Dobbs and there have been a number of changes in the past month.

Firstly, we have changed the look again, using an all new theme, “BuddyBoss” , which makes full use of screen estate and the forums are more friendly on the eyes.


The new theme gives prominence to your own Wall, which functions much like a Facebook wall. You can post updates (and link pictures, videos) in your own wall or add Updates to your Friend’s wall. There is even a Photo album for you to upload your own pictures. To access your Wall just click on your Avatar (Profile picture). If you click on the Dobbs Home Page, your Profile picture will appear on the left if you are logged in, with a handy link on changing the Profile picture (note if you choose to login with Facebook, the picture will be automatically updated)

For feedback on which Dobbs design, please see this thread, and I’d appreciate if you could vote in the Poll in the right side bar.

We also now have a new Menu option, CME which highlights medical educational material and news from other sites. More links will be added in time and this page should be useful to provide you with choice CME content to complement Dobbs’ own CME/Case Discussion Group

We’ve created a new group, Heartbeat, to cater for those interested in Cardiology. Check out the Heartbeat forum for interesting Cardiology updates, news and quizzes on ECGs and Angiograms.
For new Dobbers, Dobbs discussions are organised into Groups. There are now 20 Groups within Dobbs and each Group has it’s own forum.
To view the latest Discussions in all the Groups, do visit the Forum link which is available at all times in  the Top Menu of Dobbs. You can Search for topics which interest you, using the Search Forums form in the upper right of the page.
To view the list of Group forums, click here

Not logged in to Dobbs lately? Check out these interesting new/updatedthreads:

Two million Socso members eligible for free health screening
Yearly ’specialist’ upgrade for government hospitals
Sabah standoff
HO Training
How does physician attire influence patient perception?
A nurse in every school?
ECG Quiz 3 by Dr Ng Swee Choon
Separation of politics from civil servant duties?
Be a Cloud Doctor – An invitation to join U2Doc Telehealth
Six doctors detained by MACC over falsifying of medical reports–NST
RIP Albert
Kindly Do The Needful
Yet to receive APC
Doc accused of Groping
Plan to link all hospitals and clinics via electronic system
Hematohidrosis – Sweating blood

Well that’s it for now. I hope everyone has a good weekend break and have a great working week ahead!

Existing Dobbers are reminded that they do not need to sign up again if you lost or forgotten your password – just click on the Lost password link. login.php?action=lostpassword (or simply Login with Facebook if you have a Facebook account!)

Warmest regards,


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Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast