Telegram is a useful place to get the latest about #covid-19

The Covid-19 situation is ever changing quickly. Only two months ago it seemed a distant epidemic in China. Now it is in our shores with over 1000 infected, 8 dead (so far) and a nationwide MCO (Movement Control Order) in place.
Where are you getting the latest news about Covid-19? Aside from web, you can also get good information channels from reliable sources in Telegram, a messenger application which has many advantages over Whatsapp, including News Channels and the ability to host large groups.

Here are some that we recommend

Majlis Keselamatan Negara
Majlis Keselamatan Negara bertanggungjawab menyelaraskan dasar-dasar berkaitan keselamatan negara dan arahan mengenai langkah-langkah keselamatan termasuk gerakan-gerakan keselamatan, ketenteraman awam dan perkara-perkara melibatkan keselamatan.

Crisis Preparedness and Response Center, Ministry of Health Malaysia

DG of Health Newsflash

Malaysian Medical and Health News

For doctors, you can join colleagues for the latest updates and discussions with colleagues in the DOBBS Telegram Supergroup.

How to join DOBBS?
1) Make sure you are a registered DOBBS Member. Simply visit
2) The links to join the DOBBS Telegram groups are posted in the Bulletin Board here which you can view after you login as a registered member.


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast