Dobbs newsletter
Dobbs is the exclusive (and free!) forum for Malaysian doctors which we have maintained for 13 years now.
This is the latest newsletter on important forum updates:
Dear Dobber,
There are some important updates that I wish to inform you of.
Dobbs features have been enhanced further with the addition of
1) Photo uploads
Directly upload your own pictures to Dobbs in your own “Wall” (Profile) or other Group walls just like Facebook – only this is more private than Facebook and you won’t have to worry about accidentally sharing your photos in the public social media
2) Embeddable Documents.
Embed PDF, Doc files etc in your forum Posts and replies.
To see how to do this, check out this thread:
3) Group Document Uploads.
You can now upload documents (e.g. PDF, XLS, Doc, Images) to Dobbs directly in each of the Dobbs Groups (some Groups do not have this feature enabled).
To see how to do this, check out:
4) Embedded Polls
Polls can now be embedded in the forum posts or replies. Unlike Facebook, Dobbs polls are anonymous so users cannot see who voted for what
5) Event Manager
The Dobbs Event manager is back. You can add and publicise your scientific meetings, conferences or workshops or even any social event in our Dobbs Event Listing:
All Dobbers are eligible to add their own event. To learn how to do so, see:
6) Dobbs CME
Last but not least, I am happy to announce that the MMA has approved Dobbs as an official CPD provider which means Dobbers can earn CPD points online by taking part in Dobbs CPD/CME activities in the form of quizzes which are usually associated with a CME forum discussion.
This I believe is timely, as CPD points are now tied in to your APC renewal, are compulsory under the Amended Medical Act, and will be enforced in the near future.
Dobbs is here to help you get CPD points online for free!
For more information about Dobbs CPD/CME content, see our CME section
As a requirement for the MMA CPD Provider Returns, we need your NRIC and MMA Membership status
Please submit your info using the form in this thread:
The form is also available in the sidebar of the Members page
Once again, do use our Activity Wall like you would a Facebook wall. For the Dobbers not on Facebook, here’s a chance to share and interact with other Dobbers without the fear of losing your privacy like in Facebook.
Existing Dobbers are reminded that they do not need to sign up again if you lost or forgotten your password – just click on the Lost password link.
See you in Dobbs!
Warmest regards