Free clinic or practice website
We are pleased to announce a free service for Malaysian doctors. If you do not yet have a website for your clinic or practice, you can now get one from the MMR Clinic Websites service
– easy to use, WordPress powered
– users have Admin control over their own website
– choose from multiple medical themes (over 20) to customise your website
– more than one user can run a single website (e.g. for Group practice)
– your site will be linked from the network for increased prominence
– it’s free!
In order to qualify for one, you have to:
1) be a bonafide Malaysian medical doctor
2) have a clinic or hospital based practice in Malaysia
3) be a member of Dobbs, the free but exclusive doctors only community for Malaysian doctors.
For information on how to get your free practice website, login to Dobbs and see this page
For a demo on what a typical website created looks like, you can click here. The sites are highly customisable and you have over 20 themes to choose from.