Influenza A H1N1 strikes again

The Star reports

SEREMBAN: A 27-year-old woman died of Influenza A (H1N1) in Negri Sembilan several days ago, according to State Director of Health Datuk Dr Zailan Adnan.
He said a thorough investigation was conducted and the situation was under control as the disease had not spread.
“We conducted a thorough investigation and have confirmed that none of the victim’s family members have contracted the disease,” he said when contacted.
Dr Zailan said the woman had returned to the state on holiday several days ago from Singapore, where she had been working, and had fallen ill and received treatment at a hospital here before succumbing to the disease.

Let’s not get complacent here. The majority of Influenza A strains are H1N1 nowadays. Many episodes are mild and not life threatening, but some adults will be unfortunate to get severe H1N1 and may succumb to the disease. The CDC recommends that all adults get vaccinated annually for Influenza (the current influenza vaccines cover H1N1 strains as well)

Influenza (Flu) Seasonal – Basics

• Influenza vaccines contain three influenza strains that vary yearly depending on the circulating strains. 2 A strains and 1 B strain are included.
• Recommended Universal Vaccination: Age Ranges:
– all persons >/=6 months according to appropriate vaccine:
– ≥ 6 months for trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)
– 2 to 49 years for live, attenuated (cold-adapted) influenza vaccine (LAIV)
– Healthy, nonpregnant persons aged 2–49 years without high-risk medical conditions that predispose to influenza complications and who are not contacts of severely immunocompromised persons in special care units can receive either intramuscular TIV or intranasal LAIV. All other persons should receive TIV.
– ≥ 65 years may elect to receive high dose TIV which has improved antibody response.
– 18-64 year olds may receive intradermal TIV
• For recommendations during shortages, see
• For latest information see:

Oh by the way, a little bird in Dobbs was keen eyed and spotted the glaring mistake in the Bernama/Star report. Datuk Dr. Zailan Adnan is a she and not a he. Reporters and editors, wake up!


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast