Dobbs update
The MMR maintains a forum for Malaysian doctors, the Doctors Only Bulletin Board System (fondly known as Dobbs). Registration in this site is free for all Malaysian doctors.
First of all I would like to apologize for the glitch during the update to the forum software last weekend which messed up the Activity streams leaving them blank (though the Forums were working fine). Thankfully the fix didn’t take us long.
Here are some recent Dobbs activities which might interest you:
1. It is that time of the year when doctors have to renew the APC and a Dobber encountered problems renewing her APC online. Others chipped in to inform how to download the APC application PDF and fill in. We decided to update the APC in Doc format hosted in Dobbs to reflect the latest one, and this time in RTF format so that it can be easily opened in all Word (or your favorite editor) formats
2. Recently, there has been a spate of letters to the press with not so favourable comments about UMSC and doctors discuss this and potential conflicts of interest whenever you have public doctors engaging simultaneously with private practice
3. Is bullying and harrassment of junior doctors still going on in hospitals?
4. In the future 80% of doctors could be replaced by machines. True or not?
5. More discussion on robberies in clinics and security
Lastly, there’ll be a contest soon in celebration of World Lymphoma Day. Check out
Remember joining Dobbs is free for all bonafide Malaysian doctors – whether you reside/work in Malaysia or overseas. Just head over to and fill in the registration form. Existing Dobbers are reminded that they do not need to sign up again if you lost or forgotten your password – just click on the Lost password link.