Dobbs newsletter
Dobbs is the exclusive (and free!) forum for Malaysian doctors which we have maintained for 13 years now.
This is the latest update/newsletter:
Greetings Dobber
Time to update you on the latest updates in Dobbs since our last newsletter.
We’ve changed the landing page (front page) in Dobbs to the latest Blog posts. So if you visit, you’ll see the latest Blog posts which comprise announcements, updates and even tips on how to use Dobbs. You can filter what posts to see using the Category drop down menu in the left hand column.
The registration link is now in the right hand column of the front page.
We’ve also revamped the Locum section. All locum submissions in Dobbs will now be published in the Malaysian Locum Resources website, a dedicated site for listing locum or permanent jobs for doctors. You may post job submissions directly yourself in the Locum Resources website but that will require a separate registration (it’s quick and automatic) – advantage of that is you get your own dashboard to maintain your job submissions e.g. mark it as filled, edit or delete submissions.
The latest Dobbs Quiz CME contest has concluded, and the winner – Dr. Jimmy See – got the grand prize of a portable pulse oxymeter. Congrats, Jimmy! If you missed out this time, don’t worry, there’ll be more contests coming up.
Have you visited the forums lately? Here are some interesting new/updated discussions:
BP switching from Labs to Pharma
Prominent veins
Sex, lies and wait – no videotape here
Query on Aesthetic Medicine
Updates? — NPC
Head and Neck Case for the Day Part 2
MMC Guidelines on Consent
Existing Dobbers are reminded that they do not need to sign up again if you lost or forgotten your password – just click on the Lost password link.
If you enjoy and appreciate Dobbs, please encourage your colleagues to join the community – email them the link to Dobbs. For those of you who use Facebook, you can add them to the Dobbs Facebook group.
Have a great weekend!
Warmest regards,