Join DOBBS Docquity and stand a chance to win RM1000
Dear Doctors,
Docquity is a mobile platform solely for medical Doctors. It is adopted as the official app for doctors by the MMA and other leading medical associations in ASEAN.
Docquity is also available to Malaysian doctors (with a valid MMC registration number) who are registered members of the DOBBS network. DOBBS or Doctors Only Bulletin Board is the pioneer and largest online community of Malaysian doctors. Established in 2000, DOBBS has now over 13,000 doctor participants in web, social media group and the Docquity app combined.
DOBBS has adopted Docquity as a platform for it’s doctors as unlike other social media apps like Facebook, Docquity is only for doctors. It is a secure and private platform for doctors to share and discuss. Docquity is also being constantly updated and users can now share clinical cases prviately and also participate in CME to get points.
We are pleased to announce that Docquity is now launching a contest to get DOBBS members to sign up and use Docquity. This contest is open to all registered DOBBS members who have not yet signed up with Docquity, and will run for 11 days starting 20th December to 31st December.
Here are the steps
1) Register with Docquity via the Mobile App or from the web sign up
– links at
Authentication is via your mobile number (a PIN will be SMSed to your mobile) and MMC number
2) Authorisation will only be upon verification of your details as an existing registered DOBBS member. If you are a Malaysian doctor but not yet a DOBBS member, you can register using our One Step Registration form
3) Only New Dobbs Docquity sign-ups between 20th December 2016 and 31st December will be entered into the contest
4) 3 lucky winners will get a cash prize of MYR 1000 each.
Good luck Dobbers!