The DOBBS Network Illustrated

DOBBS stands for Doctors Only Bulletin Board System and is our online community for doctors which we have been running for 18 years now, since 2000.
It is a completely free platform run by Malaysian doctors for Malaysian doctors.
It has grown beyond the traditional web based “Bulletin Board” and now also encompasses social media (Facebook and Telegram)

In order to give an idea of the network and how to join Dobbs, a simple picture illustrates the Dobbs Network

The Dobbs Network

It’s best doctors join via the One Step Registration portal .
For those who have been added via Facebook, do note that registration is incomplete and you don’t have the benefit of accessing the other areas of DOBBS aside from “social sharing”.

We now have over 16,000 members in the entire network combined which is by far the largest online community for Malaysian doctors. If you are a Malaysian medical doctor, registration and membership is completely free. 
Just head over to and fill in the form