Dobbs weekly roundup

This was the newsletter sent out to Dobbs (the Malaysian Doctors Forum) members for the week of 19/5- 23/5. In case as a Dobber you did not get it in the email (if you have changed your email address and have difficulty getting into the forum please Dobbs Support)


Dear Dobbers,

Another week goes by and here’s a quick update to tell you of what’s new  in Dobbs.

Feel free to click on the links if anything interests you.

Picks of the week from the Forums

MCs for Sale
Yes that ugly side of medical practice surfaced in the news again

Overworked and underpaid specialists leaving USM for greener pastures

Not just USM of course but this came up in the news again

Separation of dispensing coming soon
A long thread with updates on recent articles on the pros and cons of this thorny issue
Clinic software which one?
Contemplating getting an EMR or EHR? Check out this thread for ideas and opinions
AUCMS students badly hit by school’s financial woes
All may not be well with  Malaysia’s burgeoning private medical school scene

For the music lovers – Great duets
For your entertainment a thread on great music duets. Add your favorite here!

The latest topics and replies are in our main Forums listing
To see all the forums, visit the Forums directory
Tip: Search for topics and replies using the search form in the sidebar of the Forums listing. Do this before you contemplate Creating a New Topic as it’s always better to add on to an existing one.


Picks of the week from the Activity Timeline
In case you missed the announcement, you should check out
This is a special Dobbers only invitation to try out eKlinkMD for 30 days free and at no obligation. Cloud based EMR has the distinct advantage of being easy to setup as there is no installation and you can access it from anywhere as long as you have an Internet connection
Thoracicfact: risks of Untreated Sleep Apnoea
 Awesome Chemo
The 23 types of medic you meet at university
Anti-ageing thought of the day
The Dobbs Activity timeline is like a private Facebook Wall for Doctors only. Feel free to comment on any update as well as express your thoughts here!
Updates from the Dobbs Job Portal
Wanted: Lady doctor GP interested in aesthetic medicine
Wanted: Cardiologist in Sg Petani
Do check out the Job Listing for all the available jobs – note you can filter by Job type and Category as well as perform searches in the listing. We have a Job Alert section whereby you can set the alerts so that if any new jobs that interests you arise, you will be notified by email.

CME Updates
from the forums:
Hyperkalaemia – real or false?

Upcoming Events

17th scientific meeting of the MST
MEMS annual congress
College of Surgeons AMM AGM &ASM
44th MOA AGM & ASM
54th National MMA AGM and Scientific Meeting
It’s very easy to upload and publicise your own conferences and events : the instructions are in the main Events page. Do note that Dobbs Events gives you a handy button to add the event that you are interested in to your Google Calendar.


Medical News
Don’t forget we have constantly updated Medical news from Bernama exclusively for Dobbers


That’s it for the week and have a great weekend ahead!


Happy Dobbing,


Alan Teh

Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast