Doctors needed for medical mission trip 2014
Message from Nathanael Lee
Good afternoon. I am Nathanael Lee, a second year medical student from Perdana University, Malaysia. I am writing this message on behalf of the Malaysian Medical Fellowship (MMF). Every year, the MMF sends teams of medical students headed by doctors to various destinations in Southeast and South Asia to run mobile medical clinics and increase health awareness among the underprivileged.
The MMF is actually a non-profit organization that was founded and run by medical students who work closely with local organizations in order to carry out the MMF’s annual mission work.
This year the Malaysian Medical Fellowship (MMF) team to India is looking for one or two doctors who are interested in becoming the team doctor(s) for this year’s medical mission trip to Calcutta/Kolkota. This is because the MMF has not been able to recruit enough doctors this year from our home base, Malaysia, as of today. However, we still haven’t given up on the search, and we continue to hope that there are still some of you who are interested in supporting the cause of MMF.
The details are as follows:
The mission trip is from the 7th of August 2014 to the 16th of August 2014. This year, the team will be working in co-operation with Word of Life Ministries (India). Do take note that any personal expenses are fully borne by the volunteer themselves. As of this year, the MMF has also rescinded the flight ticket subsidy policy due to their financial constraints.
The budget breakdown is as follows:
a) The Air Asia KUL(Kuala Lumpur) – CCU (Calcutta) flight tickets cost around RM700 (USD 220) in total as of today. However, do check the Air Asia website for the latest prices.
b) The visa costs around RM163 and takes a minimum of 3 working days to make. (This is only applicable for Malaysians applying for an Indian visa at the visa center in Kuala Lumpur.)
c) The food, accommodation and transport throughout the trip is estimated to cost around 150 USD maximum.
d) Personal expenses (e.g. Souvenirs, or other smaller expenses) are estimated to reach a maximum of 50 USD.
e) In total it will cost a total of RM1400 to RM1600 (USD 440 to 500), although it would be safer to set aside a little bit more in case of an emergency.
The field of work this mission trip aims to cover is as follows:
Mobile medical clinic sessions (doctors are needed here very urgently), health talks for the locals, social work and counselling among the local residents and children activities targeted at increasing health awareness. The team doctor supervises the mobile medical clinic and advises the medical students during the entire duration of the mission trip.
The team leader for the mission trip to India for this year is Chua Chia Zhen. He can be contacted at 018-3129921 (but he is in Australia at the moment, so for now, we will just stick to email and Facebook) and his email is Chia Zhen just graduated from Moscow State Medical University last month.
Currently, the mission team only consists of five medical students, and is in need of one or two doctors to spearhead the team. Hence, if you are interested to help out, or if you happen to know of any other colleagues who are interested to join this team, just tell them to email or Facebook message me or Chia Zhen their names. My email is
As of now, we have not been able to find any doctors for the team. We just need one, or two (at the most) for this trip. Feel free to share this post.
For those who wondering what the MMF is all about, this is their website: