Updated: Doctors’ Blogroll

We have updated the MMR Doctors Blogroll which tracks all Malaysian doctor’s blogs with the addition of The Road to Heaven which is a great blog by Cardiologist, Dr. Oteh Maskon. His latest blog post on What I learnt from ESC 2015 is very informative and shared in our Doctors Facebook group, Dobbs/FB

We follow all Doctors blog posts and if you are a Malaysian doctor with a blog but not listed in the Blogroll, please let us know and we’ll be happy to list you.
We will highlight featured blog posts and share them with other doctors.

All Malaysian doctors are welcome to join DOBBS (Doctors Only Bulletin Board System) which is Malaysia’s pioneer and largest online community for Malaysian doctors.
If you are on Facebook, you are also welcome to join Dobbs/FB which is the largest facebook group dedicated to Malaysian doctors with currently over 8000 members.


Malaysian physician, haematologist, blogger, web and tech enthusiast