Query about medical studies
Irwan posted this message in our Facebook Page
1. Im SPM 2012 Leaver, sc stream, Im Sabahan bumiputra..im interested to me a medical doctor. what should i take after this? Taking STPM? KPM Matriculation? which is more recognised qualification?
Both are the same and equivalent routes to get into a local medical school.
2. How many pointer should i get? some people say that KPM Matric 3.80-4.00 pointer to enter the public univ in malaysia.. is this true?
We have no idea, sorry. This probably will not be static and change from year to year depending on the standards of the students. It is highly competitive as you can imagine.
3. I’ve checked the recognition of medical school in Russia via the JPA website & KKM website.. some of the univ at there is approved..i heard(people say) that medical student from there is not approved by Govt..? is this true?
The place to check is from the MMC website, not the JPA one, since final recognition and the licensing body is the MMC, not the JPA. You can see all the links from our Schools page.