Is Malaysia ready for separation of dispensing? (II)
In our earlier post Is Malaysia ready for separation of dispensing?, we pointed out the reasons why Malaysia is not ready for separation of dispensing (SOD), a scenario where doctors only prescribe and pharmacists dispense. However we hear rumblings of an impending tabling of a new Pharmacy Bill in Parliament. We do not know if the SOD agenda will be pushed but if so it will be of major repercussion to the health care system in Malaysia.
What can you do? If you are a consumer and are against the idea of SOD, then you can sign the petition here:
If you are a GP, then you would want to be kept up to date on the issue of separation of dispensing. We are now trying to reach out to as many GPs as possible and via as many channels as possible. While some may have been contacted via Facebook, Telegram or Whatsapp, we are also forming a special GP only group in our online community for Malaysian doctors, Dobbs. The link to the GP only group is (only logged in members of Dobbs who have been added as GPs can access this link)
There is also an on-going discussion thread in the forum on Separation of Dispensing
If you are a Malaysian GP and not yet a member of the Dobbs forum, you are cordially invited to join and we hope to be a channel to keep you abreast of the latest information on this issue.
Membership is FREE for all Malaysian doctors and done in two easy steps
1) Register at
– automatic signup and activation link will be sent via email
2) After activating, do LOGIN and VERIFY as a doctor here: