Our Health Tips and News
A reminder that we have a user-contributed Health Tips and News feed in the Malaysian Medical Resources. Use this space to post interesting links, videos you come across as long as it related to Medicine and Health. The page is closely moderated so spam will be deleted as soon as it is detected and abusers will be banned.
Please note only logged in users may post and comment on the activities in that page.
The page can be found in the top menu under Updates. Posts in the Health Tips and News page are shared on our Facebook page and users can share posts that they like elsewhere, including your own Facebook page, Twitter etc. Use the Share button below the activity post.
Bug notice
– after adding links, the page does not auto-refresh, so please do a manual refresh to verify that the link has been added.
– if you are using a mobile device e.g, iPad, the page will not display in mobile view. Do switch to desktop view using the switch option available on the page