Malaysian GP practice in dire straits

This letter to the Star says it all

Hundreds of GP clinics have closed in the past few years as such practices become financially unsustainable due to stifling regulations, chiefly due to unchanged regulated professional fees for 27 years, unreasonable fee requirements imposed by MCOs/TPAs on doctors, and now the looming “controlled price of medicines” which will sound the death knell for many GP practices as they are unable to cross-subsidise for very low consultation rates.
GP practices also face an incredible amount of red tape imposed on them by the MOH under the PHFSA and also local councils – it is a wonder many have not thrown in the towel earlier.

KKM is always talking about “private-public partnership” but lately it seems it is nothing but talk. On the contrary recent policy decisions and actions appear to be harmful to GP practice in particular.

Please be reminded that there will be a Town Hall Session between the YBMK Dr Dzulkefli and GPs on 11 June 2019 at KKM. Hundreds of GPs will be attending and many will “close shop” for the day on 11.6.2019 either to participate or to show solidarity. To stay updated and obtain more information, please see the DOBBS Bulletin Board Announcement
DOBBS is Malaysia’s pioneer (since 2000) and the largest online community for Malaysian doctors by Malaysian doctors. All participants are doctors only, and membership is free but is strictly vetted by registration using the One Step Registration form.