The deregulation of doctors’ fees – should you be worried?
With the sudden announcement of the deregulation of professional fees, both doctors and patients have been caught by surprise. Doctors are one of the few professions where the professional fees have been regulated by law since 2006 and in the case of GPs, the fees have not been revised for many years,making GP practice difficult and in hundreds of cases, causing clinics to close.
Some consumers are naturally worried.
I think consumers need not worry – the concern actually is more that there will be fee undercutting! Besides for those where there are contractual arrangements with TPAs, MCOs and Insurance, there won’t be any change. Doctors too have the Malaysian Medical Association fee schedule to abide with as a guide, even if it is no longer regulated by law.
The bottom line is that consumers, especially the out-of-pocket paying patients don’t have to worry. There won’t be fee hikes.
It is however likely that this move to deregulate fees is a prelude to separation of dispensing.
Are doctors ready for this?
If you are a Malaysian doctor and have questions and concerns about professional fees, do join us in DOBBS, Malaysia’s pioneer and largest (over 16,000 participants!) online community for doctors only, run only by doctors. Sign up is free and all you have to do is to submit your registration as proof you are a Malaysian doctor.